Inspiring women to confidently prepare for a positive birth experience; informing them of the amazing hormonal & physiological processes of normal birth, which (unless interrupted by intervention) work together to minimise pain; encouraging them to dispel their fears, trust their bodies, connect with their babies, and cherish their birth experience.
About Me
- Selena
- I am a Mum who is passionate about natural birth; about inspiring other Mums-to-be that it CAN be a joyful experience- something to feel excited & confident about, as opposed to anxious & fearful. I've had two wonderful natural births (one breech) in hospital birth centres without the need for any intervention, pain-relief or stitches. I should also say that I have a very low pain threshold! I'm not looking for a medal...I just want to share my experiences as an example of how preparation and a positive mindset CAN make an amazing difference to your overall birth experience. It doesn't just come down to luck. I feel so sad that childbirth has become so medically managed, focused on risk, and consequently feared; that intervention is now so commonplace and women aren't trusting so much in their bodies or in their innate abilities to birth their babies naturally. If my story can inspire or make a difference to even one woman on the journey to parenthood, I'll be very happy. If I can be part of a movement back toward normal, instinctive birth, so that my girls are not denied this right when they are having kids of their own, I'll be ecstatic. This is the sole purpose of my blog.
Thursday, August 12, 2010
One Born Every Minute...
Perhaps the most cringe-worthy part of it was the total lack of support that some of these women received from their birth partners. One particular husband was actually laughing at his wife as she struggled in pain, mocking her for choosing a natural birth. Their teenage son was also in the room & the two of them were having a lovely time exchanging wicked glances & private jokes in an attempt to alleviate their obvious boredom... hardly conducive to a sacred experience, the poor woman!!! It's no wonder she couldn't cope and required some help in the end.
Things were looking up when they finally told a positive normal (intervention free) birth story this week, where a woman had a quick & easy waterbirth. The difference between her & all the other women was profound & abundantly clear- she was very calm throughout, & rather than focusing on pain or anything negative that she was going through, she turned her focus within- appearing to go into a 'zone' during her labour. The fact that she then had a positive experience is no coincidence. The midwife even commented that in all her experience, the women she sees who cope well in labour are always very "stoic" - which my trusty Pocket Macquarie dictionary defines as "someone who is mentally strong, patient & uncomplaining"... such helpful qualities to have whilst in labour!
So after listening to my post-show rantings this week about "why don't they show more of these positive stories?!" & "how come the other ones got so much more airtime?!?!" my hubby David made a very simple & valid observation. "The dramatic stories make for much more interesting viewing". Hmmm... well ok... I guess I have to concur... uncomplaining, patient women in a zone aren't so watchable or entertaining. I should know this, being an actor. Conflict makes drama. Drama makes ratings. But our positive, 'stoic' birth stories really need to get out there too & become part of a collective consciousness. Birth should not be scary. The media in general certainly has a lot to answer for in their predictable portrayal of childbirth as being overly painful & traumatic.
Anyways I shall just have to hope that more inspiring stories will be told in this series... & that the other stories aren't fuelling the fear too much!
Saturday, July 31, 2010
Beautiful Beginnings...
This is me with my baby brother... poor little guy was almost smothered with love! I was only just two at the time, but I still remember doting on him & nagging my Mum non-stop to have more babies (sorry Mum!). When she was pregnant with my little sister a few years later I remember watching her belly grow with fascination & excitement... I wanted one in my tummy too! When she disappeared for a few days and came back with a baby, I imagined that she had gone off to the most wonderful place where the most magical things happen! (MUCH better than Willy Wonka's Chocolate factory ;-) In my mind the whole process was the most normal, natural & exciting thing in the world.
So since I was a very young child my love & adoration of everything to do with babies, pregnancy, birth & motherhood has been a big part of me, and I'm sure it is no coincidence that I've had two wonderful birth experiences... in fact I have come to realise (through talking to many mothers about their birth experiences) that there really is a correlation between enthusiasm/confidence for birth & positive birth experiences; and fear/dread of birth & not-so-positive birth experiences.
By the way I should clarify that I think childbirth is always a positive experience in the sense that the arrival of each & every precious baby is something to be celebrated & thankful for... I actually refer to a 'positive birth experience' here as being one where the birthing Mum is respected & supported, where she is able to relax, tune into her body, let it do what it was so magnificently designed to do... and cherish the whole experience from beginning to end in a stress-free environment. I believe this is every woman's basic right... & I wish we didn't have to fight so hard for it!
Saturday, June 26, 2010
Why "Cherish" ?
- to hold or treat (something) as dear;
- to care for tenderly; nurture
I have cherished my children from the moment that I knew of their existence, when they were only a tiny little cluster of cells.
I loved being pregnant... even the nausea made me excited, because it meant that my baby was making his/her presence known! (we were bonding from the very beginning), and it was also a sure sign that my body was doing its amazing job of creating, nurturing, protecting, and 'building' a little person- just as it was so magnificently designed to do. I felt privileged to own this experience, and I cherished every second of it.
After eagerly anticipating the birth of my babies, I cherished every moment of their arrival. I think this word is so appropriate here because it really helps to depict the calm, internal focus that I maintained during my labours, as I nurtured my babies through the birth process (which can't be the most comfortable journey for them either!). It was such an intuitive, sacred rite of passage for us both. When it was over I wished I could go back in time and do it all again... sounds crazy I know... but true! I'm sure my midwife didn't believe me when I told her that my post-birth tears (which she tried to convince me were the 'baby blues') were actually because I was sad it was all over! (compounded of course with tears of happiness as I enjoyed my much-anticipated first cuddle... such an emotional time!)
I now cherish the precious memories of my babies births... I think I have re-read the scripts in my mind about a thousand million times.
So I can't think of any other word that is more nurturing or loving, or has more depth of feeling than the word 'cherish'... our precious children deserve nothing less! :-)